Traditional dolls

July 21, 2015

Traditional dolls
This is the last day of linen harvesting this year. The fields are mainly empty. Now all the bundles are tied and soaked, almost ready for layering open air. We saw with our eyes an amazing tradition of harvesters - taking special hand-made dolls to the field work. One of the harvesters told me the meaning of this tradition. "Going to the mowing, our ancestors took with them three «Pokosnicy» dolls or Mowing dolls. One of them was placed on the first stack. The second was made to protect the hands of mowers from injuries. A third one as made for children to play, until parents are busy with mowing». So still groups of mowers, even when the process is mechanized, take three little dolls to the fields. We are very inspired by the depth of history of that tradition!
July 15, 2015
It is unbelievable beauty, so inspiring and magic - fields flowered this morning! Blooming flax field reminds me blue lake.
July 19, 2015
Today is the first day of harvesting. That is the most important thing inlinen culture - optimal time of field cleaning.
Magic of nature processes
July 22, 2015
Now it’s time to spread all the sheaves untied all over the free empty fields - to be wet and dried under the rains, winds, dew, snows. That’s an engrossing process - how the earth will take the moisture from stems, how rains and dews will destroy protective layer, and make the fiber free naturally. Amazing!
29 August, 2015
I haven't been here for almost whole month! Really missed the fields. Nowis little cold for me, but this is the best weather for linen! For suchbiochemical processes that are going in inside the stems of linen.

Favorable conditions for maturing and preparation of high-quality flaxstraw are formed now in the end of August, when the weather is warm withabundant night dews and often fall rainfall, average air temperature is 16-18 °C. Waiting! Need to be patient, and Belarusian nature will do the main part offlax cultivation itself.