This kids love our linen too
April 18, 2019
Don’t let your kid drown in this comics prints, chemical multiplications and other too colorful and toxic things.
Choose 100% linen for children - ant it will teach them how to be close to nature, what are the perfect colors and how calm and pleasant cuddling in bed could be.
If you decided to have kids - and it doesn’t mean giving up on style. Determine that having one of those kids bedroom looking like a Fisher Price liquidation sale, or having some kind of Disney pink and Thomas the Tank blue is not the only option. Refuse to live in this unpredictable, unstylish manner which definitely will cause only poor fantasy and color addiction of your kid.
There are tones of reasons why your child will feel great in linen sheets.
But when we see the proof - everything became not so important, it is amazingly pleasant and so cute when we get photos of our real little linen lovers from all over the world.
We are sharing here some delicate and pure moments of our customers and reasons for buying for your baby linen sheets:
✔️Linen is non-allergic. This makes it an ideal fabric for children's sensitive skin and is especially good for those with skin conditions such as allergies and eczema
✔️Linen absorbs excess moisture and dries quickly. Moreover, linen is a perfect fabric to keep your child warm in winter and cool in the summer. But even the thermoregulation won’t work - the hydro balance will be perfect, and nobody will feel too sweaty in it.
✔️Linen is anti-microbic and no bad types of bacteria can’t live on it. Flaxen fabric - is one of the oldest known fabrics used by mankind. Linen is a naturally antibacterial substance, which means that it doesn’t provide germs with an ideal breeding environment.
100% linen fibers slow the growth of bacteria.
✔️Linen is amazingly durable. It won’t shrink, if won’t lose its color, it won’t rip. Every parent knows that children's sheets needed to be washed lots of times - too regular for cotton and satin, and perfect to linen
But the main tip - is that kids really love our linen. And we get some proofs from our lovely customers
Than you so much, we love you too
We’ve got tones of requests from our customers - they want their living spaces to be "kid-friendly." We get it - and now we can make any custom bedding size by your request!
Before you could even imagine the toll kids take on your house, you think that you can just raise kids that wouldn't mess up everything around them. Don’t be so optimistic! Peanut butter fingerprints, watercolor drops, reality has set in.
The space for your kid should be comfortable and inviting. The only type of fabric that can stand all the colorful and materials experiments is 100% linen. And it looks so livable and stylish!